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January 26, 2008


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Nic #1033

Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and free! With golden soil and wealth for toil, our home is girt by sea. Our land abounds in natures gifts of beauty rich and rare! In historys page let every stage ADVANCE AUSTRALIA FAIR! In joyful strains then let us sing, ADVANCE AUSTRALIA FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Ocker Day!

Lyn Dwyer

OI ! OI! OI!

Jen B #258

I attended the Fiskateer round-up in San Antonio Texas this past November. Heidi Grace told us about her husband who is a soldier coming home from the war. It happened the same day as CHA and everyone there started singing the national anthem to him (I hope I'm telling this right). As she told the story I was crying because of how proud I am of all of the American husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers who are fighting not only for our freedom but the freedom of others. I am really proud to be an American!! (But, I would love to visit Australia someday! Happy Australia Day!!)

Lyn Dwyer

We will happily adopt you too Jen! Yes.....I think you have the story correct from what others have told me.

Nic #1033

I forgot my proud moment! LAst Tuesday I took my 3 children to the Square in the city. We watched the funeral and procession of Sir Edmund Hilary on the big screen they had provided by the cathedral. At one point, they showed footage of Sir Ed and spontaneously the crowd began to sing God Defend New Zealand - firstly the Maori, then the English. Moved us all to tears and made us very proud to be kiwis!


We celebrate Canada Day (July 1st) much the same way. It's a day we all don the red & white and show how proud we are to be Canadians. In my town this is a huge event. The day starts with early morning soap box derby for the kids, a boat parade and race (the fish tugs participate in this), then the parade (usually an hour long), lots of good food, fun, laughter and the evening ends with the band tatoo (marching bands compete) and fireworks. I am proud to be a Canadian and to live in a town that provides us with such a wonderful way to celebrate this pride.

Kathryn s

for the past three years our mustang club has taken the cars for display at the local Aust Day event. ... every year i never cease to be amazed by the 'aussie spirit' of those attending - most everyone wears an aussie shirt, or pants or both !!! they have hats, flags and everything red while and blue or green and gold to show their support. It makes me proud to be part of such a great event and i love celebrating Australia Day like that

Jenny E

I am an immigrant NZer and nothing makes me prouder than to sing:
God of nations! at Thy feet
In the bonds of love we meet,
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our Free Land.
Guard Pacific's triple star,
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand
as loudly as I can. And I know all the words too which is more than some people around here do. Yes I'm proud to call myself a Kiwi and I chose to be one - it wasn't an accident of birth

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