After reading that lucsious post on jam making the Dollys have been helping out in the kitchen and had to help me to make some patty cakes for morning tea for the patchwork class. D2 had some problems with the eggs and I think I heard her muttering something about not having thumbs . Like that would be my fault?
I thought I would like to share my quick and easy to make pot pincher.
You will need 1each x fat 1/8 feature fabric and a contrast for the lining 2x pieces of wool wadding scraps measuring 6"x 9 1/2". fat 1/4of stripe fabric ( you can use premade 1 "(25mm)bias binding),12" wide Ric Rac .Matching colour sewing threads, quilt basting spray( opt) Quilting ruler and rotary cutter
Tools used are Scissors, a large oval template about 9" long ( I made one out of heavy paper) marking pencil and sewing machine
1 Begin by cutting 2x6"x 9 1/2" rectangles of each fabric. Set one of each piece aside to be used later.Using the marking pencil draw your quilting lines on the right side of one of the pieces of fabric. Mine were about 1" apart. Now lay the first piece of fabric right side down on the table and spray baste or pin the fabric , both the pieces of wadding and last piece of fabric right together to make a quilt sandwich.
Lengthen the astitch length on your sewing macine and carefully quilt the 4 layers together. Trace around your template as shown and cut out on the drawn line .
Using the same template cut one more oval from each of the remaining fabrics.
Fold these ovals in half cross ways and cut in half on the creased line.You will have 2 symetrical halves . Place fabric wrong sides together and pin to hold .
Make the striped binding : Lay out the fat 1/4 and using the qilting ruler cut 2x 2 1/2" strips on the bias . Line the 45 degree angle up with the straight edge of the fabric. The cutting edge of the ruler eill go across the fabric at an angle . Cut along this angle from one side of the fabric to the other This make sbinding which is stretchy and will go around the curves on the pot pincher without bumps.Join the 2 pieces of binding together to make one long piece. Fold the fabric in half lengthways and press .
Cut two pieces of binding the width of your oval halves. On the lining side of the oval piece place the binding so that the raw edges lineup the straight edge of the oval half and stitch together with a 1/4" saem repeat for the other section.
Bring the binding around to the right side and stitch along the folded edge, ensure that you cover the seam line.
Cut two pieces of Ric Rac the width of the ovals andstitch about 1/2" in from the binding edge.
Lay the quilted oval right side down and position the two half ovals at each end with the wrong sidesof the fabric ovals together.Pin firmly together. Stay stitch close to the edge all the way around . This keeps it together while you bind without pinning.
Make a hanging loop witha 6" section of binding by opening out the binding flat and pressing the edges in to meet the crease line in the middle. Fold the fabric in half lengthways again and press. The raw edges will be entirely enclosed . Stitch through all the layers close to the edge. fold the binding section in half and pin it at the half way point with the raw edges together. Stitch.
Before you begin to apply the binding to the pot pincher. Open out one end of the binding srip and press in 1/2" . Begin to stitch about 2" from the pressed end , carefully ease the binding around the curved edges and stitch with a scant 1/4" seam. When you get back to where you started, cut the binding strip so that you have about 1" over lap with the pressed end . Open out the binding and lay the over lap in side . refold the binding and stitch in place. Fold the binding aroun to the other side of your work and hand stitch in place. Ready to grab those hot handles at the stove top.
these Dollies are so darn creative around the home.....not only can they sew....they can cook......LOL!
Very impressed.....xoxo Lyn
Posted by: Lyn Dwyer | September 09, 2011 at 11:39 PM
Dollys are very creative indeed! Next time Dolly 2 complains about no thumbs, just remind her it is better than being "all thumbs".
Posted by: Sandy #1781 | September 10, 2011 at 11:48 PM
D1 & D2 can sew and bake -
they can come play at our house any time :)
Posted by: TracyM | September 11, 2011 at 04:41 PM