Welcome to the Fiskars Craft Sew-a-long!
So glad you could join me in this sew-a-long where I show you step by step on a weekly basis on how to make something. You are sewing along with me!
This post is the first and lists the supplies you need. You have one week to complete the gathering of supplies. This post however will be up for the duration that this blog exists so you have plenty of time to do this if you don't have time this time around.
If you have ANY questions please ask. I am here to help you.
There is also a prize to be chosen for one participant! So comment in the below thread to say you are participating with me.
You will be making this handbag/tote bag with me....
Supplies you need will be:
Canvas (or apolstery fabric, or some denium fabric) 38" x 28" (97cm x 72cm) - this is found in fabric stores or artist stores on the roll.
White sewing thread & sewing machine and machine needles 100/6 (Ones that sew denium or thick fabric) and Pins. And an Iron.
Sew in velcro (some places call it hook and loop) - do NOT get stick in stuff it messes up the needle when sewing. Believe me I have tried this.
Clip or hook - these are found on VIP straps or in craft stores:
one "Fat quarter" or more of desired fabric.... or contrasting fabric scraps like me
Fiskars Titanium Rotary cutter and Fiskars quilt cutting mat (found at spotlight stores)
Fiskars microtip scissors (found at spotlight stores) - cuts loose threads nicely and cuts shapes out of fabric well.
Optional will be a handy 12 in 1 sewing tool. Has an unpicker, thread cutter, tape measure and more in it. very handy when sewing.

Fabric Adheasive like Helmar All Purpose Glue and Helmar Fray Stoppa
These will help decorate the bag for us.
needle and DMC thread for decorating - Fabric paint (i like using jacquard fabric paints but there are plenty on the market) and paint brush/water container to rince and wash brushes. Pencil or pen for marking fabric.
optional: Various fabric flowers (you can find these in second hand stores or cheepy stores - $1 and 99c or under $10 stores - for next to nothing and pull them apart for alot of crafts)
Well see you next week sometime. I'll try to post on the same day.....
We will start cutting out the pieces we need.
See you then!
Debbie Buckland
Part 2 - Cutting out the pieces
Part 3 - Making Bias Binding and sewing
Part 4 - Adding pockets and sewing up bag
I'm looking forward to sewing with you! I'm off to find the supplies! Gotta go thru the stash first!
Posted by: Dot | February 01, 2012 at 04:53 AM
I am looking forward to this! hope to get started when you do. Going to be out of town this weekend.
Posted by: conniemelancon | February 01, 2012 at 06:18 AM
hoping to get to spotlight in the next couple of days and hopefully can sew along
Posted by: Kathy S #6265 | February 01, 2012 at 08:24 AM
woohoo.........let the fun begin!!!!
Posted by: Lyn Dwyer | February 01, 2012 at 12:28 PM
Too much going on for me right now to sew along but I will be watching for the finished project.
Posted by: Debbie C #4668 | February 01, 2012 at 03:39 PM
I will be sewing along with you Debbie :)
Posted by: TracyM | February 01, 2012 at 04:49 PM
Awesome great to have you all on board.
Ask away if you have questions.
Posted by: Debbie b | February 03, 2012 at 05:10 AM
Getting excited Debbie!!!
Posted by: Donna | February 04, 2012 at 11:41 PM
I love totes and have been looking forward to this sew along. I will probably only be on the sidelines this time around, so have fun.
Posted by: Sandy #1781 | February 05, 2012 at 12:52 AM
Is there someplace I should be to see this live ...I was surfing around and found this
Posted by: Ann Ricci | February 05, 2012 at 04:02 AM
I am looking forward to this. Not sure I have time to sew along. So much already working on. I definitely will be watching though, but that might drive me crazy because I want to participate. Oh what to do????
Posted by: Kelly Sas | February 06, 2012 at 07:16 AM
Hi Ann,
The links for the next stages of Debbie's Sew-a-long are being added to this Blog post as they have been announced on the Blog each week.
We'll leave the link at the top of the Navigation Bar for a few months at least....then you can always have a quick reference to finding these fabulous tutorials.
Hope that helps!
Posted by: Lyn Dwyer | February 19, 2012 at 08:26 AM