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August 15, 2012


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TracyM #6773

Fabulous photos Lyn - love the bold colours!!!
Thank you for taking us along with you on your travels :)
I didn't know all the interesting facts you
shared and I look forward to learning more.

Kelly Sas  (6558)

Came over from Fiskateers and so glad I did! Your pictures take me back to our trip to China this past April. Your Buddest temple pictures really struck me. I too couldn't get over all the colors and shining gold! Fascinating observing the people when they come, kneel and do their incense burning. I love learning history by traveling or by hearing from others travels and their pictures! Thank you for sharing.

Lyn Dwyer

Tracy...thank you....yes...the colours were amazing inside the temple

Kelly.....lovely to see you over here...yes...the colours were amazing and the gold was everywhere...we saw many people coming and going leaving their gifts and praying....many candles were lit and incense was burning..I was amazed that we were allowed to take pics in there....but we were...
I bet China was amazing Kelly.....we would love to visit there one day......so much history dating back so far in China....it would be amazing to see all the Art and Craft

Kathy S #6265

this temple looks stunning- all that beautiful colour and great information- thanks for taking us on your trip look forward to the next instalment

Lyn Dwyer

Kathy....it's a pleasure to share our experiences with you all.....I'm always fascinated by all the different cultures....and loved asking questions whilst we were holidaying....it's how you learn so much......and of course we also have wonderul pics to remember our holiday.....still working on my Photobook...it's taking forever as I'm getting sidetracked.....LOL!


I loved Singapore when I travelled there, it is strangely like visiting several areas of the orient in one amazing place. There is such a fusion of cultures in Singapore that is seems to have it's own flavour.

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