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August 15, 2012


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Lyn Dwyer

love the orchid Tracy....we have some out too.....they last such a long time don't they...great value to have

I must admit I too love my Fiskars Pruners....we have a HIS and a HERS pair...LOL!

Beryl #7212

Great to see a little of the outside of your home, you might need to move the computer out there every now & then so I can watch the pretty flowers grow! lol

Kathy S #6265

must have been a weekend for pruning I got half my roses done the other half are destined to be done this weekend and I also use my Fiskars Power Gear Pruners -they are FANTASTIC -didn't have any pain afterwards because they are so comfortable to use


To have garden twine handy when you need it, just stick a ball of twine in a small clay pot, pull the end of the twine through the drainage hole, and set the pot upside down in the garden. Do that, and you'll never go looking for twine again.

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