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August 22, 2012


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Beryl    #7212

Lyn, Thank you for sharing your photos & story on the Netherlands. It would have been so overwhelming to see all those clogs in one store. Congratulations on your fabulous photography. Looking forward to the next leg of your journey.
Beryl #7212

TracyM #6773

What an amazing part of your trip Lyn - I didn't know that there were so many different types of clogs and think the wedding clogs are fabulous!!!

Love the pretty mementos that you brought home with you too :)

Kathy S #6265

this looks amazing thank for sharing another part of your trip- I couldn't have resisted a pair they all look so pretty. are they made out of willow or poplar tree- we used to own a pair when I was little and had a ball playing with them- I don't know what happened to them

Lyn Dwyer

Beryl....yes it was a bit overwhelming but we really loved everything about the NETHERLANDS.
Thank you for complimenting my Photography.

Tracy....neither did I until we saw all of these....LOL!

Kathy...yes.....willow I believe...they really are quite light to wear....

Sandy #1781

Awesome photos and story Lyn! I love the colors and designs and wonder of this shop. I hate it when I get this far behind; I've missed so much of your trip and I hope to go back and catch up. Thanks for taking the time to share the stories with us so we can visit the world through your stories.

Lyn Dwyer

Sandy....you are most welcome...

To make sure you don't mis anything on the Blog you can SUBSCRIBE for FREE.....that way you get an email each day something is posted...and even if there is more than one post each day....you shall only get the one email daily....once you SUBSCRIBE....that way its like a reminder.....glad you dropped by...we love seeing fellow Fiskateers commenting on our Blog Posts....

Sandy #1781

LOL! Lyn... I already have a subscription! I'm laughing because even with that I get behind. I receive at least 100 emails a day about crafting. When I was teaching, I had to spend a couple hours every day finding and twisting new ideas for my classes, then the fun part of experimenting with the ideas. Now that I'm not teaching, I should just unsubscribe from most of them, and I've tried, but I get so much inspiration from this site and ones like this, that it's hard to move on. Plus the time I spend on Fiskateers. Aghhhhh! Now I am only allowing myself a limited amount of time every day so I read a few, skip a few, and just kind of jump around. This is one of my favorites and I always intend to read every article. Someday.... I keep waiting for those "older" years where I will wake in the middle of the night and not be able to sleep. Then I'll catch up. LOL! Hmmm... but I'm already old enough and it isn't happening. I sleep like a baby. Oh well... I must be beautiful, right?

Lyn Dwyer

LOL! Sandy.....

I had those waking in the middle of the nights when I was going through menopause....wasn't so crafty then....wish I had of been......LOL! Would have had something to do at 2am in the morning.....he,he....
Glad you like our Aussie/NZ Fiskars Craft site....we try and keep new things a-coming on here......

Glad that you have SUBSCRIBED...thought you had....but didn't look at my list....have fun catching up.....and most of all......make sure you make some time for yourself to craft!!!


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