Dolly loves a big cumfy cushion for lying around on, watching TV or having a read. Here is a fairly simple method to make your own Cat in the hat floor cushion
you will need
1 cat in the hat panel( or 60cm of your chosen fabric)
90 cm of contrast fabric for back of cushion
60cm sq of quilt wadding ( I use cotton)
60cm sq of plain colour fabric ( you can use something that you dont like , it will be inside and not visible)
20cm stripe fabric for binding
15cm of wide hook and loop fastener(velcro)
60cm purchased cushion insert
safety pins
masking tape
Sewing machine
matching threads
Tools used were Soft grip scissors, Rotary cutter, Cutting mat and the 12 in one tool for those little unpicky moments
If you have a walking foot use it . If you dont , you can lengthen your stitch a bit and use plenty of pins.
Step1: Trim the fabric panel to create a square. (it's not quite perfect but you can get away with it)approx 23 1/2"(60cm).
Step2:Quilt the square . Cut the plain colour fabric to measure 1"(2.5cn)larger all round than the cushion square. Cut the piece of wadding to this size.Tape the plain fabric to a firm surface. Smooth the wadding over this and tape again.Spread the cushion square right side up over all these and safety pin through all 3 layers.
Step 3 Quilt the cushion top. I quilted between the pictures on the fabric and also between the inside of the" picture frames"Change the thread colour as needed and pull the threads trough to the back of the work and knot firmly.
Back of the cushion
Step 1 : Cut two rectangles of fabric 16"x 25"( 41x64cm) . On one long edge of each piece press under a 1/4" hem (1cm) Press another fold 2" (5cm) from the folded edge. Pin hem in place and stitch.
On the wrong side of the fabricmark the centre pointof the hemmed edge. Measure 7"(17cm)to either side and mark again. Repeat on the other cushion back but mark on the right side this time.
Cut three velcro pieces and stitch one side of each velcro sq where marked
Check to make sure that the squaes have lined up neatly and the cushions overlap evenly. make aline of stitching about 3"(7cm) from the outside edge of the cushion back square .
Step4: Spread the cushion back square out and lay the cushion top over it.Wrong sides together.Check that the two squares are the same size. Trim if necessary. Pin together and stitch 1/4" fro the edge all round.
Binding the cushion
step 1: using the stripe fabric and cutting across the width of the fabric cut 3x 2 1/2"(6cm) strips .
Join these to make one long strip. Press with wrong side together along the length of the fabric. Open out one end only of the strip and press under 1/2"( 1cm ) hem.
Step 2: Starting half way along one side of the cushion and 3"(7cm) from the pressed end of the binding strip Stitch through all the layers using a 1/4" seam allowance.Stop stitching 1/4" from the corner and take the fabric out from under the machine foot.
Flip the binding up at a 45 degree angle
Then fold the binding back down so that the raw edges are even, and the folded edge is levl with the top edge of the cushion.
Step3: When you come to the pressed end cut the remaining binding strip so it overlaps about 11/2"( 3cm). Open out the binding strip and lay the overlao inside it .Fold back together and keep sewing to where you started from.
Step 4: Fold the binding round to the back of the cushionand handstitch in place, making sure that the stitching line is covered. Fold the excess fabric at the corners to make a 45 degree angle and stitch in place.
Step 5: Insert the cushion inner and lie back and enjoy. Just like Dolly.
Debbie Guihot